2013年4月9日 星期二

Hongmao Castle - The Historic Building of Danshui 淡水的歷史建築 - 紅毛城

Danshui’s Hongmao Castle, currently one of the oldest buildings in Taiwan, witnesses a period of world history happened in the early years of Taiwan.
In 1928, the Spanish occupied northern Taiwan and constructed a building there named Fort San Domingo. After the Quelang War in 1642, the Dutch rebuilt the Fort in 1644 and named it as Fort Anthonio. At the end of the Arrow War, the British Government leased the Castle from the its owner at that time - the Qing Government, and used it as the British Consulate during 1867-1972. Later, after experiencing the World War II and the Japanese colonial era of Taiwan, as well as the subsequent hosting period of the Castle by Australia and USA, the property right of the Castle goes to Taiwan from 1980 to present. Hongmao Castle is now a grade I monument of Taiwan.

位於淡水的「紅毛城」(Hongmao Castle),是台灣現存最古老的建築物之一,見證一段早年發生在台灣的世界歷史。
1928年,西班牙人佔領台灣北部,興建了一座名為聖多明哥城(Fort San Domingo)的建築物。 1642年西荷之戰後,荷蘭人於1644重建該城,將其名為「安東尼堡」(Fort Anthonio)。而英法聯軍之役後,英國向當時擁有城堡的清政府進行租借,於1867-1972以城堡作為英國領事館。後來,城堡經歷第二次世界大戰與台灣日治時代,以及再後期由澳洲、美國代管的時期,其產權於1980年至今乃屬台灣。而「紅毛城」現時是台灣的一級古蹟。

The property rights of Hongmao Castle belongs to Taiwan from 1980 to present 

The red bricks and arched corridors are both features of the 19th-century colonial-style building

The view of Yinghan Ridge from Hongmao Castle

The former residence of the British Consul

The metal plate in front of the stone is a bootscaaper. It was installed outside the entrance of the former official residence and was for scrapping away soil under the boots.    

Brick carvings

This is a brick carved with the imprint "VR 1891", sealing the history of reconstructing this building by the British in 1891 within the reign of Queen Victoria (VR is the abbreviation of Victoria Regina)
(VR 是Victoria Regina 的縮寫)

The brick carving with a combinative patterns of roses (national emblem of England) and thistles (national emblem of Scotland) 

The British parlor inside the building

British furnishings and appliances

Office of the former British Consul

An antique stove inside the kitchen of the building